The Ferrania Widespread Museum

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F.A.I. Youth group – Delegation of Savona, Cairo Montenotte Municipality and Ferrania Film Museum.


The “Ferrania widespread Museum” Project created in the places of the industrial site, was presented and inaugurated on 1 May 2022 with the aim of further enriching the anthropological path, already started at the museum halls of Cairo Montenotte. The definition “Widespread Museum” expresses the connection between a place and its history.

The creation of an open-air museum, with thematic itineraries to follow through illustrative panels, is a way to enhance the memory of a place, to make it live again in who has already lived it and present it to who wants to know or to the passing visitors. It is a path of industrial archaeology and social history of the territory, always accessible along the straight stretch called “kilometer Ferrania”. This part of the road extends from the railway station to the historic building of the former S.I.P.E power plant (an abandoned industrial liberty style jewel) and allows you to appreciate the oldest part of the old Ferrania village, the working community of Prà Sottano and the secondary S.I.P.E settlements, never been exploited.

Every year, in the early days of May on the anniversary of the creation of the Widespread Museum, the F.A.I. (Italian Environment Fund) of Savona, organizes guided tours, deepening and related events.

For requesting guided tours, please contact the Ferrania Film Museum directly.