Model Room

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The model and accompanying image can be dated around 1963 – 1964, shortly before the acquisition of the company by the American multinational 3M and highlight the urbanization and architecture of the industrial site, “the citadel of film”, which bears little resemblance to the large chemical plant as we are used to seeing. If it were not for the two chimneys, it would remind the large hospitals at the turn of the 1800s and 1900s, where the individual wards are far apart from each other.

Tanks, conduits and cable ducts are located in the underground inside narrow tunnels and wide shafts.

The movement of workers and products was done by the thousands of bicycles supplied, internal trains on wheels, funiculars and, in more recent years also using pneumatic tubes. Right in those years, the number of Ferrania company employees reached its historic peak with 4,000 people, including workers and clerks, of which more than a third were women. To these numbers we have to also add about 1,500 – 2,000 workers in the related industries, in that autarkic formula that went go well beyond the twenty years of fascism era, attempting to operating and producing as much as possible onsite or in proximity.