The Alpini group of Carcare

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The foundation of the first Alpini Group of Carcare dates back to before 1928 when it belonged to the Ligurian Section, based in Genoa, that then was the provincial capital for the Savona area as well. Among the members of this first group we found: Santo Mallarini, Giuseppe Ferraro, Giovanni Barbitta, Serafino Piacenza, Carlo Molinari, Tomaso Rodino, Francesco Ivaldi, Giovanni Battista Ivaldi. The first group leader was Santo Mallarini, Alpini Corp Captain and veteran of the First World War (La Grande Guerra), who already since 1920 joined the A.N.A. (National Alpini Association) in Milan, where he was often used to go to work. Santo Mallarini, was later promoted to the Honoray Rank of Major; his Alpini companions friendly nicknamed him “the captain” and later even “scarpùn” (referring to scarpone the robust and heavy boot worn by the Alpini troops), nickname that the Alpini themselves and even the first members who enrolled in the Association until the early ’30s, chose and proudly maintained. The Alpini Group of Carcare remained inactive in the years between 1929 and 1931, due to the receivership of the A.N.A and resumed its activities in 1932 with the founding of the Savona section, retaining most of its previous members. Its activity continued until June 1938 when in the Piedmontese city of Mondovì, it participated in the ceremony of awarding the Silver Medal for Military Valour to the Alpini Battalion “Pieve di Teco” for its valiant deeds in East Africa.

At the end of the World War II, around 1949, some Alpini of Carcare enrolled in the Group of the nearby city of Cairo Montenotte that had just resumed activity, while others joined the Plodio – Cosseria one. In 1966 some young Alpini – Giovanni Caldera, Luigi Bertino and Giancarlo Neirotti – convinced Stefano Laoretti, historical leader and secretary of the Plodio – Cosseria Group who had recently moved to Carcare, to help them founding the local Alpini Group. Following a meeting with Franco Siccardi, then-president of the A.N.A. Section of Savona, Stefano Laoretti obtained the approval to the constitution of the Carcare group, having been recognized his commitment and contribution. In a short time the Carcare group was founded thanks also to the numerous new adhesions from the blood donors’ Association, of which the three Alpini mentioned were part; Stefano Laoretti was elected group leader by acclamation and reconfirmed until 1992 when he prematurely passed way. Following his sudden disappearance, the Alpini Group of Carcare, in which he had worked for over 25 years, has been dedicated to him for his historical activity in volunteering and solidarity. In fact, he was also the main author of the establishment of the local Public Assistance as chairman and working tirelessly as a driver and stretcher-bearer. Stefano Laoretti was replaced by vice group leader Giovanni Caldera, who in 1997 handed over the position to Venanzio Ferri.

Over the years the Group has promoted, carried out numerous initiatives and many voluntary and solidarity activities on the territory, as well as having organized and participated in numerous associations and institutional events. For example, in February 1968, the Italian flag was donated to the new Elementary Schools on the occasion of their inauguration and a classroom was dedicated to Candido Corrent, a Carcarese Alpino fallen in Russia in January 1943 and awarded the Silver Medal of Military Valor. In 1998 the local War Memorial (Monumento ai caduti di Guerra) was restored. In 1999 the new head office at the bell tower of the Parish Church was inaugurated and soon became a hotbed of ideas and projects, that were punctually brought to completion. For instance, under the direction of the artist Giuseppe Giannotti, they carved from a block of rock the great Monument dedicated to the Alpino and inaugurated in 2000. On that occasion, alongside the delivery of the National Alpino Prize of the Year, a ceremony that took place in Val Bormida for the first time, a dog tag, sent from Russia by the Prof. Alim Morozov, was handed over to the relatives of an Italian soldier who died on the Don River during the Russian campaign.

In 2002 Prof. Morozov, lecturer of history, creator and curator of the Museum of the Italian Epic in Russia -located inside the “Smile kindergarten” and donated by the Alpini to the community of Rossosch – was invited and hosted in Carcare by the Alpini Group. Prof. Morozov also had the opportunity to visit some places as Cosseria, Ceva, Pieve di Teco and Mondovì, that gave their names to some Italian army units who participated in the Russian Campaign.

He also met some veterans in Cairo Montenotte, Garessio, Ormea, Calizzano, Altare and Savona and visited the Colle di Nava Shrine of the Fallen of the Cuneense Division, then he saw school groups and some aged participants of the University of the Third Age (UNITRE) in Carcare. Prof. Morozov also went to see some famous locations of historical interest such as the house, in the centre of Carcare, where Gen. Napoleone Bonaparte established his headquarter, the memorial stone in nearby Loc. Montenotte, the castle of Cosseria and the villages of Dego and Millesimo, sites of the first crucial and victorious battles fought in Val Bormida at the beginning of the Napoleonic Campaign in Italy.

In the period between 2002 and 2003 the Alpini of the Carcare Group engaged in the renovation of the ancient chapel of San Rocco, where in 1623 the inhabitants welcomed the Spanish priest Giuseppe Calasanzio, founder of the order of the Priarist Fathers (Padri Scolopi), subsequently sanctified by Pope Clement XIII. The excellent result was made possible thanks to the contribution provided by many friends who have proven great commitment and professionalism. In addition to this important work they recovered and enhanced the nearby soil and still follow the maintenance to ensure its decor. At the inauguration of the chapel, expertly restored to its former glory, were present the Bishop of Acqui, the Prefect of Savona, other authorities and much of the citizens, who have always supported the Alpini in their initiatives. In 2003 the group organized a trip to Russia for a pilgrimage on the Don River in which Alpini and relatives of fallen soldiers from Liguria and nearby Piedmont also participated.

In 2004 the Alpini received on loan-for-use basis from the Municipal Administration a small structure that they transformed to accommodate the Museum, rich in military and war finds, which still attracts many visitors. In the same year the Group received, again on loan from the Municipality, another small house – that had previously hosted the prestigious “Museo Ighiniano” currently open to visitors in the City of Genoa – and set up its representative office there.

In 2008 the Alpini Group of Carcare solemnly posed at the Alpino Sanctuary of San Maurizio in Cervasca (CN), a memorial stone in remembrance of all the fallen in war Alpini of Carcare.

In 2009 the long desired Alpini Choral “Alta Val Bormida” was born thanks to the tenacity of Venanzio Ferri the Alpini group leader of Carcare. Directed by the music master Elio Giordano and composed of choristers from various Val Bormida groups, its seat is located on the ground floor of the former “Museo Ighiniano”. The choral members can thus perform their rehearsals in the place where the poet and writer Goffredo Mameli and Piarist Father Atanasio Canata walked and discussed the homeland and hymns and where it seems to have been composed, at least in part, the Italian song, known as “Fratelli d’Italia” today National Anthem.

In 2010 the square in front of the Museum was named after the Cuneense Alpini Division with a ceremony that took place on the occasion of a section meeting, during which the 36th National Prize “The Alpino of the Year 2009” was also awarded. Also within the framework of the same event, the dog tag of Alpino Giuseppe Ravazza, missing in Russia, was handed over to his family.

In March 2011, the emotional ceremony of planting thirteen birch plants, each one dedicated to a fallen Carcarese Alpino in Russia, was held.

On 25 February 2012 the “Davai March” was commemorated in memory of the sad and painful forced march of prisoners to the Russian concentration camps, with the projection of vintage footage and the torchlight procession from Caravadossi Square to the Garden of Cut Feathers (Penne Mozze) –(this definition refers to typical long pen on the hat of the Alpini Military Corp, that if cut, it symbolizes a broken life – at the headquarters of the Alpini in Cornareto.

The Alpini Group of Carcare is composed of 135 members and is well inserted in the community that follows the activity and supports it in various initiatives of volunteering, sharing and social participation, whose results are recognized every year also in the Green Paper of the Solidarity of A.NA. (National Alpini Association). The significant contribution given by the Alpini Group of Carcare to the Savona section, was recognized by the presence of group leader Venanzio Ferri and Alpino Luigi Bertino, who became members as councillors. In 2006, Venanzio Ferri became Vice President of the Savona section holding the position until 2011. In 2007 Luigi Bertino became National councillor to assume the role of National Vice President in 2011, a position he still holds.