The Castle of Millesimo

Home / Napoleonic Museum / The Castle of Millesimo
Millesimo, Val Bormida, Liguria, Italy ©

The oldest part of the Castle that includes the tower, the keep and the east wall, was probably built between 1162 and 1206. In fact the first time that the Castle is mentioned, is in a diploma of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa dated 10 June 1162. In this document he recognized the Marquis Henry I Del Vasto all the possessions of his father Boniface, territories from Savona until the border with the town of Alba, also granting him the right to erect castles in defence of his fiefs. It can be said that the Castle certainly existed in 1206, it is in fact mentioned, in the act of refoundation of Millesimo on 9 November 1206 by Henry II, who designated it the mountain capital of Del Carretto’s domain. This fortification was part of a larger project to protect the route between Piedmont and Liguria through the Langhe area willed by Del Carretto family.



The Castle was besieged and shelled in 1553 by Don Ferrante Gonzaga, in order to prevent its occupation by French troops during the war between France and Spain.


The Municipal Administration purchased the Castle in 1989 and ten years later began the renovation work and functional recovery.